

Divaldo Franco comenta sobre o Papa Francisco no programa da Marcia Peltier.


Matéria completa visite : Prefiro a verdade

Fevereiro - mês do meu aniversário - Graças a Deus.

Fevereiro chegou.... 
Espero que neste mês do meu aniversário venha com muitas surpresas boas... 
que possamos realizar nossos sonhos e projetos... 
que possamos todos(as) ser cada dia mais saudável e  feliz.

Qual o melhor método para aprender inglês?

 Recomendo a leitura do texto do professor Denilso de Lima do blog  : Inglês na Ponta da Língua

" Método é o plano sistemático usado para apresentar (ensinar) a língua.  O método é o passo a passo seguido pelos professores e aulas para que os objetivos de aprendizado sejam alcançados.   "

matéria completa no site :   Inglês na Ponta da Língua


Ensino Médio - Inglês - 40 videos

Ensino Médio - Inglês -  40 vídeos


Curso de Inglês online GRÁTIS - prof. Elen Fernandes.

Sobre o curso de Inglês online grátis :

- 31 Video-classes
- 31 PDF with exercises
- FREE Hangout classes

And a Certificate.....
* para quem participar e fazer o teste

Segue o link para cadastrar-se no curso:


Tips - English - Como melhorar o Listening?

Listening é a habilidade de ouvir.

Algumas rotinas e hábitos para melhorar o listening em inglês. Seguem algumas dicas abaixo:
1. Use o trecho de um seriado ou filme para aprender sentenças, palavras, combinações, expressões, etc., usadas. Leia o texto do trecho em voz alta, pratique quantas vezes quiser, ouça quantas vezes quiser. Aprenda mais, lendo a dica Aprender Inglês com Filmes.
2. Use uma música que você goste para aprender sentenças, palavras, combinações, expressões, etc., usadas na letra. O legal de aprender com músicas e que elas tocam o tempo todo em rádios e festas. Portanto, você terá chances de reencontrar o que aprende e assim o cérebro se acostumará naturalmente com tudo. Entenda melhor essa ideia lendo as dicas sobre como Aprender Inglês Ouvindo Músicas.
3. Decore minidiálogos facilmente encontrados em livros. Se você faz curso em alguma escola de idiomas, certamente tem em suas mãos o material do cursinho. Esses livros costumam vir com vários diálogos. Portanto, decore os diálogos sem se preocupar com regras gramaticais e palavras isoladas. Aprenda o diálogo e entenda o contexto em que ele ocorre. Tente recitá-lo em voz alta e escute-o quantas vezes quiser. Você pode achar isso loucura, mas trata-se de uma atividade interessante para melhorar o listening em inglês. Acostume seu cérebro com a língua inglesa! Uma dica legal para ler é Arranjar Tempo Para Estudar Inglês.
4. Invista em materias de pronúncia da língua inglesa. Não estou aqui falando para você aprender a diferença entre beach e bitch ou como fazer o TH perfeitamente bem em inglês. Nada disso! O legal dos materiais de pronúncia é que eles ajudam você a ouvir inglês do modo como ele é realmente dito por nativos. Para saber mais sobre a pronúncia do inglês, veja a dica Aprender a Pronúncia do Inglês.
5. Acostume-se a aprender, reconhecer, entender, ouvir, etc., chunks of language.Quanto mais chunks você aprender, mais ágil seu cérebro ficará em relação a essa coisa de ouvir inglês. Caso não faça ideia do que sejam chunks of language, leia a dicaItens Lexicais – Chunks of Language e/ou participe do curso Aprender Inglês Lexicalmente.
Por fim, lembre que para melhorar o listening é inglês é preciso criar o hábito de ouvir inglês. Atualmente, há muita coisa que você pode fazer pela internet para ficar ouvindo o tempo todo. Uma dessas coisas é ouvir rádios [Leia: Ouvir Rádios Para Melhorar o Inglês]. PAra melhorar o listening em inglês o segredo é praticar; portanto, quanto mais cedo você começar melhor. Além disso, quanto mais você ouvir, melhor. 
Para saber mais :

Learn 10 new words in 16 minutes

Learn 10 new words in 16 minutes

First, you should study the words in the following infographic.
 I try to give the definition of the word, a clue to remember the word quicker, and some example sentences. 
I honestly hope these will help you learn the vocabulary better and quicker.

See more at: 

Album novo no Picasa - Inglês - English - Tips

Álbum novo no  Picasa - Inglês - English - Tips


WeChatapp - Bora falar em inglês?

WeChatapp - Neidinha Franca PB
Enviei a solicitação para o grupo do Marcus Marcos Vinicius vejam o vídeo.


Sound cloud



Receita para realizar sonhos.

“Há quem diga que todas as noites são de sonhos. 
Más há também quem garanta que nem todas, só as de verão. 
No fundo, isso não tem importância. 
O que interessa mesmo não é a noite em si, são os sonhos. 
Sonhos que o homem sonha sempre, em todos os lugares, em todas as épocas do ano, dormindo ou acordado.”
( William Shakespeare )

Recomeçar sempre.

"Qualquer pessoa, homem ou mulher, que tenha a coragem de superar os limites da mente pode alcançar o estado da maternidade universal. O amor da maternidade despertada é um amor e compaixão que se sente não apenas pelos próprios filhos, mas em relação a todas as pessoas, animais, plantas, rochas e rios, um amor que se amplia a toda a natureza, a todos os seres. Na verdade, para uma mulher (ou homem) em que o estado da verdadeira maternidade se despertou todas as criaturas são seus filhos. Este amor, esta maternidade é o Amor Divino - e isso é Deus." Amma




Audio Transcript - Track 02 - The Norman Conquest 

The History of English in ten minutes. 
Chapter 2. The Norman Conquest or excuse my english. 

1066. True to his name, William the Conqueror invades Britain, bringing new concepts from across the channel like the French language, the Doomsday book and the duty free Galois’s multipack. French was de rigeur for all official business, with words like ‘judge’, ‘jury’, ‘evidence’ and ‘justice’ coming in and giving John Grisham’s career a kick-start. Latin was still used ad nauseam in Church, and the common man spoke English – able to communicate only by speaking more slowly and loudly until the others understood him. Words like ‘cow’, ‘sheep’ and ‘swine’ come from the English-speaking farmers, while the a la carte versions - ‘beef’, ‘mutton’ and ‘pork’ - come from the French-speaking toffs – beginning a long running trend for restaurants having completely indecipherable menus. The bonhomie all ended when the English nation took their new warlike lingo of ‘armies’, ‘navies’ and ‘soldiers’ and began the Hundred Years War against France. It actually lasted 116 years but by that point no one could count any higher in French and English took over as the language of power.

By Teacher Rony Gleison 


Audio Transcript - Track 01 - Anglo-Saxon 

The History of English in ten minutes. 
Chapter 1. Anglo -Saxon all whatever happened to the Jutes? 

The English language begins with the phrase ‘Up Yours Caesar!’ as the Romans leave Britain and a lot of Germanic tribes start flooding in, tribes such as the Angles and the Saxons – who together gave us the term Anglo-Saxon, and the Jutes – who didn’t. The Romans left some very straight roads behind, but not much of their Latin language. The Anglo-Saxon vocab was much more useful as it was mainly words for simple everyday things like ‘house’, ‘woman’, ‘loaf’ and ‘werewolf’. Four of our days of the week - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were named in honour of Anglo-Saxon gods, but they didn’t bother with Saturday, Sunday and Monday as they had all gone off for a long weekend. While they were away, Christian missionaries stole in bringing with them leaflets about jumble sales and more Latin.Christianity was a hit with the locals and made them much happier to take on funky new words like ‘martyr’, ‘bishop’ and ‘font’. Along came the Vikings, with their action-man words like ‘drag’, ‘ransack’, ‘thrust’ and ‘die’, and a love of pickled herring. They may have raped and pillaged but there were also into ‘give’ and ‘take’ – two of around 2000 words that they gave English, as well as the phrase ‘watch out for that man with the enormous axe.’

By Teacher Rony Gleison 

#Thor - 01 ano - 15/01/2015

E Thorzinho fez um ano!!!

O moço, que chegou com cara de anjinho, virou a casa ao avesso, destruiu tudo o que viu pela frente, mas trouxe uma alegria, lealdade e amor que não se mede...

Tomara que nessa nova fase "adulta", ele esqueça as Havaianas, sofás, mesas, mouses, etc, etc, etc

(Vall França)


Um não é um sim á espera de ser conquistado.

O início é sempre mais desafiante, mas depois que você ganha "know how" e credibilidade fica mais fácil. 

Não é por acaso que muitos desistem nos primeiros degraus...

Flávio Augusto da Silva

Saia do anonimato, acredite em seus talentos e destaque-se.

Você não é igual a ninguém neste planeta. 

Você é único. 

Não aceite ser padronizado e considerado um a mais nessa multidão ofuscada pelo coletivismo.

Preserve a sua identidade e a sua individualidade. 

Cultive os seus sonhos e trabalhe por eles.

Saia do anonimato, acredite em seus talentos e destaque-se.

--- Flavio Augusto da Silva ---

10 Creative Ways To Use Google Tools To Maximize Learning

1. Google Docs
At its most basic level, Google Docs provides students with a foolproof means to access their work from any device. For those who may struggle with organization or keeping track of class materials, Google Docs virtually eliminates the problem. The I lost my assignment can be removed from the equation since Docs automatically save and are searchable from within a Drive account.
On a deeper level, working in shared Docs also creates an almost real-time feedback loop. Rather than wait for a student to complete a draft before providing input, sharing a Doc early allows teachers and students to collaborate throughout the writing process. This not only benefits those students who need additional support, but also provides the teacher with an avenue to push faster students before they reach a point of being “done.”
Docs do not have to be used only for assessments. Consider the value of collective note taking during class to create a larger body of knowledge. In a traditional setting, when each student takes notes independently, ideas and connections could be lost in a physical or digital binder – or not included at all. With shared notes, the potential exists to find those connections and then carry the class exploration in a new or different direction, as well as to support those students who may not capture all of the information the first time.

2. Google Forms

Imagine having the ability to know your students’ comprehension level before they walk into class or immediately after you introduce a new concept. Google Forms gives you an easy way to do just that. Whether you create a standard survey to use as an Exit Ticket or even a “mood check-in” as used by Ms. Magiera on her math blog, Google Forms provides formative assessment data. A recent update included the ability to add images to Forms, so questions could relate to illustrations, graphs, diagrams, maps, and more. Additionally, by using forms rather than a paper-based assessment, students who may need reading support can leverage text-to-speech features on their device to hear the questions independently.

3. Voice Comments

“The fact of the matter is that good writing is conversational, and the best way to help a student rethink and revise their writing is through personal conversation.” writes Joe Taylor, Instructional Technology Coordinator for High School District 214 in Buffalo Grove, IL.
What if your students could hear your thoughts as you read their work and provided input? With Voice Comments, a Chrome app that works with Google Docs, that is now possible.
While some students may prefer to read your annotations, others may benefit from more of a dialog. Consider the value of having students leave Voice Comments during peer review. Google docs makes it easy to leave text comments throughout the process; however, those remarks do not include tone of voice or inflection. With Voice Comments, students can receive feedback with another dimension as well as with the modality that best fits their learning needs.

4. Research Tools

Especially with elementary students, working between multiple browser tabs or windows can become a difficult and distracting process. With Research Tools – available in Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Presentations – students can search from within their project to find images, video, quotes, or references. Not only can links and media quickly be inserted from the research pane, but citation information can also be added as footnotes.
To access the research tool, look in the Tools menu from inside any Docs, Spreadsheets, or Presentations. There are even options to search by Creative Commons License for images. If using either Chrome or Firefox, you can even drag images directly into place.

5. Write Space

Debates about the effectiveness of multitasking notwithstanding, the need to limit distraction is something that most students experience at some point. WriteSpace, a customizable text editor, enables students to write on a distractionless screen: no formatting ribbons or chat boxes to draw the attention away from the writing!
Written work is stored locally, as well as online, making it available any time the application is open, regardless of Internet connectivity. The actual writing space is customizable in terms of fonts and colors. With word count embedded at the bottom of each page, the need to toggle to between pages or applications is further reduced. Sometimes this simple change can enable a student to engage in the writing process and the words that he or she types onto the page.

6. Google Dictionary & Image Dictionary

google-dictionaryThe days of students picking up a dictionary are long gone, and the likelihood of students switching over to a new browser tab to search a word’s definition is also diminishing rapidly. Students will often rely on the synonyms or whatever is available with the magical right-click. Thanks to Google Dictionary and Image Dictionary, this right-click will yield far more useful information than a synonym. As seen in the image to the right, the dictionary pops up in the yellow box. Students can even choose to have an image appear as well, all within the same screen. For many, this imagery provides the necessary support to comprehend what is being read. Additionally, this is also great support for science and social studies readings, saving ample time from having to tab over to another site or online encyclopedia to search for a picture of a person, animal, organism, map, etc.

7. Read & Write

As classroom teachers, we are eager to provide access to the curriculum for ALL students – not just those on IEPs. Assistive technology, while essential for some students, is often extremely expensive and therefore only made available to students with documented learning disabilities.Read&Write is the exception! An extension that can be added through the Chrome Store, Read&Write works from a toolbar within Google Docs (see image below), and provides tools that are useful for all learners, including a robust dictionary, image dictionary, fact finder, translator, and text-to-speech tool for use within a Google Doc.
All of these tools are extremely helpful, but the utility that makes the extension the most powerful is its ability to gather, sort and extract highlighted text. Using the “text background color” button in the Google Drive formatting ribbon, students can highlight as many things as they like, with whichever colors they choose, before pressing the extract button in the Read&Write strip. Highlighted material then appears in a popup window, sorted either by highlight color or order (student choice in the popup window), so that it can be copied to the clipboard and pasted wherever the student chooses.
As an independent learning tool, Read&Write provides students with an efficient and productive means to take notes from documents (study guides, preparation for presentations, questions to ask the teacher, etc.). It also creates numerous possibilities as a teaching tool to scaffold learning: use the colors for reciprocal reading roles, create grammar and parts of speech lessons, teach the concept of more important and less important information, etc. The possibilities for this tool are extensive.

8. VideoNot.es

There are a few critical elements that make flipped learning a successful opportunity for students: they set the pace, chose the time & place to watch, and have opportunities to reflect on what they are intended to learn. Not always so simple! Students often struggle to keep pace with a video, and simply rewatching does not always facilitate the learning.
Students may or may not take notes. If organized, they will be able to located their notes at a later date; however, when they review, students may completely forget the video reference, and therefore the notes are not as useful.
VideoNot.es provides the tools to scaffold the flipped learning process. While the video appears on the left side of the screen, a notes box sites on the right – no toggling required! The notes automatically store in Drive, eliminating lost notes syndrome. Additionally, when the student takes a note, it attaches itself to a timestamp of the movie, making reviewing notes, and the correlating video segments, a snap. Students can also change the speed of the video, which can be particularly helpful when watching demos and tutorials.

9. Google Moderator

“Today, if I were to lose the devices (iPads) that that my students have, I would mourn the loss not of the technology but of the voices that my students have gained through having them.” – Shawn McCusker
With Google Moderator, the potential exists to give all students a voice. Oftentimes, we miss the opportunity for thoughtful discourse within the construct of the classroom. Google Moderator empowers all students to ask questions, submit topics or ideas for discussion, and engage in thoughtful conversation. As Shawn states, through the use of technology, those who may be more introverted now have the opportunity to rise as leaders. The tutorial below offers more ideas about the mechanics of using Moderator in the classroom.

10. Templates

Seamless collaboration, efficient classroom management, flexible formative assessment, and creative lesson plans are all made even easier with the wealth of templates in the Google Drive Template Gallery. Rather than starting from scratch by creating a blank document, spreadsheet, form, or presentation, search through the Google Drive Template Gallery to leverage the shared creativity of another. A few favorites are the Cornell Notes, Storyboard, and Plan Book templates. Since templates can easily be shared with others, especially within organizations, the gallery continues to grow. Not only does this tool provide a great resource for teachers as well as students, it is also a great opportunity to collaborate, create and donate!
Note: This post is by our friends at EdTechTeacher, who advertise their events on Edudemic.

Deus Disse Não

Se, porventura, você está se sentindo triste por não ter recebido do Pai Criador a resposta que desejava, volte a sorrir.
O sol beija o botão da flor e ela sorri.
A chuva beija a terra e ela, reverdecida, sorri.
O fogo funde os metais e esses, depurando-se, expressam formas para sorrir.
Vai a dor, volta a esperança.
Foge a tristeza, volta a alegria.


Não seria de todo ruim........ kkkkkkkkkk

Só para descontrair um pouco.... kkkkkkkkkk

Só para descontrair um pouco.... kkkkkkkkkk

Armaria... nem manja dos ingrês....... kkkkkkkkkk

The greatest journey

"The greatest journey begins with the smallest step. Let each one of us welcome the New Year by making small changes in our life. If we are all able to do that, then we will be able to usher in a new age of love, compassion and selflessness." -Amma


"Se você perguntar: Onde está Deus?, a resposta será: Deus está aqui! 

Não há nada além de Deus. Por isso, "amar e servir" é a missão da Amma." 


Esse é o nosso BB... #Thor.... kkk

Só para descontrair um pouco.... kkkkkkkkkk

Isso é o que eu chamo de usar a cabeça... 
em todos os sentidos... kkkkkkkkkk

Happy New Year and best wishes to all of you for 2015!

Happy New Year and best wishes to all of you for 2015!

Feliz 2015.

Saúde.... Paz... Luz... tudo de bom hoje e sempre... Amém.