
Plano de ação para professores

Plano de ação para professores
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Game shows and TV quizzes are a great source of inspiration for classroom activities. Believe it or not, I keep a notepad on the coffee table so I can jot down any teaching ideas I get from watching TV!



How to Create and Use QR Codes

Watch this video and learn more about how SUPER easy it is to create and use QR Codes in your classroom!





Anchor Charts

1. As a Fluent Reader …

Fluency Anchor Charts
This colorful anchor chart has all the information your students need to read like pros. 

2. Read With Expression


SOURCE: The Owl Teacher
Read like you speak—you are not a robot!


5 dinâmicas de volta às aulas.

5 dinâmicas de volta às aulas.


English Dialogues for ESL Students

English Dialogues for ESL Students

Bargain in English
How to Negotiate

Job Interviews in English
Get advice to help you
succeed in interviews

Talk About Travel in English
A conversation about a trip
Talk About Kites
Discuss interests in English

Discuss Gift Giving in English
Learn about cultural differences

Talk About
Chinese Medicine
Visiting a Primary School
Talk about schools in English

A New Job Using English
Learn about English on the job

Planning Summer Vacation
Talk about the future in English

Discussing a Trip
Talk about travel in English

Talk About Hiking
Talk about interests in English

Talk about events in English

Talk About Favorite Places
Discuss preferences in English

Talk About Ultimate Frisbee
Discuss sports in English

Happy Holidays!
Talk about customs in English
Talk About English Karaoke 
Discuss fun in English

Discuss the Beijing Olympics 
Talk about the future in English

Taking Taxis 
Talk about getting around

Surfing the Internet 
Talk about interests in English

Talking About a Tennis Lesson 
Discuss sports in English

Photos in the Park 
Talk about interests in English

Silicon Valley? 
Talk about a city

Apartment Search 
Talk about daily life in English

See more at:

33 ways to speak better English without taking classes

By speaking better English, people all over the world can hear our voice.

Here are 33 ways to speak better English:
1. Record yourself speaking English. Listening to yourself can be strange at first but you get used to it. Listen to a recording of a fluent English speaker (a short audio file) and then record yourself repeating what they said. Compare the difference and try again. Humans are natural mimics so you will find yourself getting better and better. Soundcloud is an excellent tool for voice recording as you or your teacher can make notes about your errors.
2. Read aloud, especially dialogue. Reading aloud is not the same as speaking naturally. However, it is very useful for exercising the vocal muscles. Practise for 5 or 10 minutes a day and you will begin to notice which sounds are difficult for you to produce. Find transcripts of natural dialogues, such as these here, and practise acting them with a friend, you will also learn common phrases which we use when speaking.
3. Sing along to English songs while you’re driving or in the shower. The lyrics to pop songs are often conversational so you can learn lots of common expressions by listening to them. Humans are also able to remember words when used together with music which is why it is difficult to remember poems but easy to remember the words to songs. Here are some songs to get started with.
4. Watch short video clips and pause and repeat what you hear. YouTube is an amazing resource for language learners and you probably already have your favourite clips. My advice is to watch short clips and really study them. With longer videos, you may find your attention wanders. The key to improving by watching videos is to really listen carefully and use the pause button to focus on sounds and words. Many YouTube videos now have captions.


Seqüência didática - What are you doing to change the world?

Compatilhando atividade - Sequência didática - 

Tema: What are you doing to change the world?

1- Puzzle Music
Em grupos, os estudantes recebema letra da música "What a wonderful world" em tiras embaralhadas. Ao ouvir a música, eles devem colocá-la na ordem. A depender do nível da turma, pode ser necessário repetir a música muitas vezes, então essa atividade deve ser feita em uma aula.

2- Correção: passar a música novamente, dessa vez parando verso por verso, para que os estudantes confirmem se ordenam a letra corretamente. Ao mesmo tempo, verificar se compreenderam o que a música fala. 

3- entregar aos grupos a folha de interpretação do texto. Essa atividade deve levar o grupo a refletir sobre o que a canção fala e o que é vivido no mundo. Questionar se a música passa uma mensagem utópica ou de esperança.

4- Montar um painel que responda a pergunta tema. Se o Present Continuous ainda não foi trabalhado, isso pode ser feito antes dessa etapa.

Gleima Vanin.

Ensino de inglês através de sequências didáticas - Estrangeirismo no dia-a-dia

Seqüência didática - Estrangeirismo no dia-a-dia

- Identificar o uso de expressões estrangeiras usadas no cotidiano.
- Conscientizar os alunos do que eles já sabem.
- Estrangeirismos.
- Caso genitivo (genitive case ou -s).
6º ano.
Tempo estimado
Cinco aulas.
Material necessário
Cartolina e pincéis atômicos.
1ª Etapa
Verifique as expressões que os alunos conhecem em inglês. Pergunte se eles vão ao shopping. O que significa essa palavra? E, no computador, que palavras surgem? Peça que os alunos façam uma lista de estrangeirismos do dia-a-dia. Escreva no quadro os termos e pronuncie-os com a classe.