

In light of today's Scripture readings

Saturday, February 05, 2011: Memorial of Saint Agatha

First Scripture Reading: Hebrews 13: 15-17, 20-21
Gospel Reading: Mark 6: 30-34

In light of today's Scripture readings, Fr. Bob's Prayer is:
Great Shepherd, the look in your eyes is riveting, deep and soothing!
You seem to look to and through me! As tired as we get, grazing in the busy pastures of our lives, it is good to know that you are watching over us and waiting within us. Let our actions praise you by the way we respectfully treat each other.
Give us generous and obedient hearts. Help us to listen to the wisdom of others, rather than always munching on our own insights, insecurities, and intolerance.
As you did with your apostles, Jesus, take us to an out- of-the-way place where we can rest, reflect and be renewed by you.
Amid the hectic pace of our pastures, we forget and don't carve our caves of silence and solitude. Slow us down and lead us to take time and space to be with you and be refreshed by you, Gentle Shepherd. Hoist us on your broad, strong shoulders today.
Your eyes are so warm! Your touch is so embracing! Your voice is so inviting!
I'll follow you anywhere, Good Shepherd of Peace!

Friday, February 04, 2011: Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
First Scripture Reading: Hebrews 13: 1-8
Gospel Reading: Mark 6: 14-29

View Daily Scripture In light of today's Scripture readings, Fr. Bob's Prayer is:

Jesus, you are faithful! You are always with us, yesterday, today, and forever! Do you know how comforting that is to me?!?
Take away all fear that falsely suspects I am alone.
Purify me of all that distances myself from those suffering.
Empower me to greet everyone as though I was greeting you!
Your betrothal of me is everything.
Teach me to trust you- and to be as faithful to others as you are to me.
Let neither other's nor my own insecurity, jealousy and arrogance foolishly behead the prophets whose truth I need.
Give me the wisdom and truthful tongue of John to speak your truth and your expectations of fidelity.
Yes, you were there yesterday, Jesus and you will be there forever. But please help me believe that you are with me this day.
