

Please Pray That God Keeps Me And My Family Safe In All Ways.

Dearest Abba, Father,
You are a Merciful God,
I thank You for Your great mercy revealed in my life.
Though You are perfectly Holy, full of justice,
and completely righteous and I fall short of
Your standard constantly and not a single day
goes by my not sinning against You, yet You deal with me tenderly.
You declare me righteous and sinless through the precious
blood of Jesus Christ my Lord.
I daily receive Your mercy from Your hand.
There isn't a single day when I do not see and experience Your goodness.
There have been an umpteen number of times,
I felt I was losing control of the situations.
However, You came through for me every time,
making my every wrong right for me.
How amazing is Your faithfulness and compassion toward me!.
Help me to live in holiness and righteousness
and in obedience before you all the days of my life finding total delight in You.
Abba, bless my desire to obey You so that I may dwell in Your rest.
O Lord, when my feet slip, please have compassion on me
and let Your mercy to hold me up.
Father God, when I am in distress, prepare my heart to turn to You,
my Lord and Restorer.
Help me to obey Your voice so that it may be well with me.
In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen