

Bilingual Resources: Reading Guides

Use Graphic Organizers to Guide and Clarify Reading

Chart to Classify Summarize information in charts and other graphics English / Spanish 
Classify to Clarify Classify information English / Spanish 
Collect Evidence to Support an Idea Locate, collect, and organize information to support an idea English / Spanish 
Compare and Contrast (Venn Diagram) Compare and contrast English / Spanish  
Diagram Maker Identify relationships English / Spanish  
Expand Thinking with Drama Dramatize a situation English / Spanish
Get it Clear Locate and collect information to respond to a question English / Spanish 
Get It Together: Show What's Important - Main Idea Identify and support a main idea  English / Spanish
How did people solve a problem? Identify problem and solution English / Spanish
How to Summarize Summarize a nonfiction text English / Spanish 
Inference Organizer Make and support inferences English / Spanish
k plus Evaluate information English / Spanish 
Knowledge Connector Combine information and write to explain English / Spanish
Levels of Questions Comprehension English / Spanish
List What's Important  Locate and evaluate information English / Spanish
Little Pink Riding Hood Identify characters in a story English / Spanish 
Locate and Paraphrase Important Information Paraphrase English / Spanish 
Make It Yours: Paraphrase Paraphrase what I read English / Spanish 
Make Your Own Multiple Choice Question I can ask and answer questions about a topic English / Spanish
Make TV a Learning Resource English / Spanish Reading skills 
My Important Learning Identify important content English / Spanish   
Paragraph Reader/Page Reader Identify important parts of a paragraph and use them to identify the main idea English / Spanish
Read to Learn Organize information I find about a topic English /  Spanish G
Read-Think-Write: Extended ResponseRestate a situation presented in text or illustration English / Spanish 
Share Knowledge Fact Bank Locate and evaluate information English / Spanish 
Story/History Reader Identify important elements in a story or history English / Spanish
Teacher Planning Tool: Extended Response Organizer English / Spanish

Draw to Develop Reading Skills

Analyze an Artist's Technique Interpret artist's use of technique English / Spanish 
Draw What You Hear Identify relevant information English Spanish
Infer from Images Make and explain inferences English / Spanish
Interpret a Painting in Words Identify and explain words that are important to interpreting a painting English / Spanish
Interpret History Restate a situation presented in text or illustration, analyze that situation English / Spanish 
Model How to Map a Story or a History Identify parts of a situation and make predictions based on those parts  English / Spanish 
Picture Meaning Illustrate a text  English / Spanish
Picture a Situation Identify relationships English / Spanish
Picture the Main Idea Identify and support a main idea English / Spanish
Picture Word Bank Identify words that are important to a topic English / Spanish
Show to Tell Identify and communicate important information English / Spanish 
Show What Happened Identify parts of a situation and make predictions based on those parts English / Spanish 
Story/History Reader Identify and explain parts that are important in interpreting a situation English / Spanish 
Take Show and Tell into Representing Reading  Picture meaning English / Spanish

More Resources teacher.depaul.edu http://teacher.depaul.edu/