

Expressões em inglês para fazer bonito na folia do Carnaval

Vamos dançar um pouco pra entrar no clima de carnaval

...to get into the spirit of carnaval.
...to get into the swing of carnava


Português: Desfile de escolas de samba
Inglês: Samba Schools´s Parade

  1. The Samba Schools´s Parade is a 2-day championship during which the 13 top schools show what they carefully prepared throughout the year.
  2. The largest carnival parade in all of the world according The Guinness Book of World Records is named Galo da Madrugada, which takes place in downtown Recife on the Saturday of carnival.

Português: Sambódromo
Inglês: Sambadrome

  1. Sambadrome (Sambódromo in Portuguese) is the name given to an exhibition place for the Samba Schools in Brazil. It generally consists spectator viewing areas surrounding a long alley for the schools to parade down.
  2. The Sambadrome Marquês de Sapucaí, also known as the Apoteose Square, is a purpose-built parade area in downtown Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where samba schools parade competitively each year during Carnival. The parades attract many thousands of Brazilians and foreign tourists each year.
  3. Anhembi Sambadrome is a Sambadrome and one of the largest outdoor venues for major events in the city of São Paulo in Brazil. It is located near the Anhembi Convention Center, one of the largest events complexes in Latin America, along the Marginal Tietê River in Santana in the northern zone of the city.

Português: samba-enredo
Inglês: samba-plot

  1. Each wing is composed by hundreds of people wearing the same costume, which is related to a point of the Samba plot.
  2. Imperatriz won three standards: best samba-plot and best plot evolution.
  3. In a whole year, I rehearsed my samba-plot so that my school could be the winner.

Português: Comissão de frente
Inglês: Commission of Front

  1. The commission of front is the forefront of school, the first group of parade participants, which is a mandatory condition.
  2. Functioning as a sort of master of ceremonies of the show by welcoming the public and presenting the school, the commission on the front of the samba schools have undergone many changes over time.

Português: Carro alegórico
Inglês: Carnival float, float

  1. Glamourous handmade costumes, creative lyrics, melody, and choreographies, huge floats that cross the sambadrome on wheels, and the heart-beating of countless percussionists make the crowd go crazy.
  2. A fire Monday gutted warehouses holding many of the elaborate, feather-and-sequin costumes and extravagant floats for Rio's Carnival parade, destroying the dreams and hard work of thousands of mostly poor Brazilians who toil year-round to stage one of world's most spectacular celebrations.
  3. A float is a decorated platform, either built on a vehicle or towed behind one, which is a component of many festive parades, such as the Carnival of Viareggio, the Maltese Carnival, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the Key West Fantasy Fest parade, the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro and the Tournament of Roses Parade.

Português: fantasia de carnaval
Inglês: carnival costume

  1. Finding a carnival costume is not at all difficult.
  2. You should not wear a carnival costume.
  3. But parading with a Brazilian carnival costume is more than that. You will want to do it every year.

Pular carnaval' em inglês:To party for carnival

Sugestões de um nativo:

We're gonna party 3 (or more like 10 ) days straight for Carnival.
We're gonna party 10 days for Mardi Gras.

"Party" neste caso funciona como verbo.



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