

Lesson Plan Ideas

Lesson Plan Ideas

Carnegie Council offers an ever-expanding array of lesson plans and ideas that will allow students to analyze and interpret global issues from an ethical perspective. Perfect for the high school and college social studies, humanities, history, economics, and philosophy classrooms!
A curated list of films that deal with ethical issues in global affairs. Some of our favorites also include plot overviews, discussion questions, and related resources.
Some of our favorite recent books and suggestions for how they can be used in the classroom. Topics include world history, ethics and war, and genocide.
From these lesson plans, high school students examine an issue, identify arguments and counter-arguments, and then determine their morality based upon evidence.
A list of lesson plans concerning ethics and business. Includes activities, discussion questions, and background readings.
What are the similarities and differences between morals and ethics? Are the terms interchangeable? How do norms relate to these two concepts?
A variety of course syllabi dealing with ethics and international affairs, written by teachers and professors from around the world.
This 2005 booklet explores the George W. Bush administration's policies in the light of FDR's Four Freedoms and asks, How are we measuring up?
Alberto Mora fought to halt policies that authorized cruel and unlawful interrogation practices for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay. In addition to a speech by Mr. Mora, this booklet contains a torture debate timeline, discussion questions, and recommended resources.

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