

More than 500 books in English language

These books should be with all English language teacher

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5-Minute Film Festival: 8 Videos for ELL Classrooms

Video Playlist: Resources for English-Language Learners

Watch the player below to see the whole playlist, or view it on YouTube.

  1. Mr. Bean - Getting Ready on the Way (4:11)
    There are many popular television shows and movies that can be great tools for English-language development, and it's probably a safe bet to say that Mr. Bean is one used by English teachers throughout the world. You can find countless videos on the official Mr. Bean YouTube channel. Mr. Bean clips are great for use with the "Back to the Screen" technique explained here
  2. Connect With English (5:01)
    I regularly use Connect With English, a video series designed to help students learn English and be more engaging. It seems to be one of the better ones of its type out there (though it's beginning to feel slightly dated). Annenberg Learner, the series' creator, has all the videos and accompanying interactive exercises on its website available for free. Readers might also be interested in this companion one-page worksheet. In it, students have to make predictions based on the title of the episode, explain if their predictions were correct, and then write several questions about the episode to ask a partner afterward. It’s good listening, speaking, and writing practice.
  3. Asking For An Opinion (0:90)
    English Central has a huge quantity of videos on their site integrated with their own software. The videos teach English vocabulary and grammar, and they automatically evaluate the pronunciation of users who are recording what they hear. Much of this content is free, and you can also pay for more advanced features.
  4. Learning English Irregular Verbs (3:40)
    This is perhaps the best-known video from Jason R. Levine's Fluency MC, and he offers many similar ones on his YouTube channel. Music is a great language-learning tool, and Jason combines it with a video demonstration, making this an unforgettable lesson in verb tenses.
  5. You're So Beautiful (2:37)
    This is a beautiful and popular song to use with English-language learners -- it's slow and reinforces learning adjectives. More importantly, however, this video shows the lyrics in time as the song is sung. You can find many of these clips by searching the name of a song plus "lyrics videos" on YouTube. Even the New York Times has written abouttheir growing popularity. I specifically look for songs that reinforce the thematic unit we're studying. We practice the song with students, record them on SoundCloud, and embed it in our class blog, providing students and their families with an opportunity to hear their growing English abilities.
  6. If You're Happy And You Know It (1:51)
    The British Council Learn English Kids YouTube channel is a great source of videos for younger English-language learners. "If You're Happy and You Know It" gives you a taste of what you can find there.
  7. Gus vs. Pool (1:45)
    Research has shown that perseverance is a key quality of a successful language learner. I show this video to my ELL students, and after they describe it in writing and verbally, I ask them to tell me how they think its content might be related to learning a new language. The video serves as a fun introduction to an important topic.
  8. Scaffolding for Middle School ELLs (2:07)
    While the other videos on the playlist are for English-language learners, this one is for teachers. It's just one of a nice collection from Colorin Colorado showing educators demonstrating instructional strategies in the classroom. Three other similarly good classroom collections can be found at The Teaching Channel, the Southwest Regional Educational Laboratory Educational Program, and the University of Oregon's Online Learning Language Center.

More Resources on How to Teach ELLs With Video

For more sources of good videos designed for English-language development, and for ideas on how to use them, visit these websites:
See more at: http://www.edutopia.org/blog/film-fest-ell-video-resources

Free Children's Books

All Books Free: Fiction, Children's, Poetry

Click on the titles below to download these wonderful children's books . . .

A to Z Animals by Maya Ray
The ABC's of Fruits and Vegetables by Steve Charney
The Adventures of Super Cow by Danielle Bruckert
Angel of Christ? My Little Tom Tom, Book 3 by jojo Regalodo

The Baking Contest by Ingrid Holtshausen
Ben's Story: A Child's Healing of Fear by Donald R. Reif
The Best Christmas Gift by Ivan Parvov
The Best of Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes by David Whitney
Big Mac and Little Dipper: The Other Side by Danielle Bruckert
Big Mac and Little Dipper: The Stair Case by Danielle Bruckert
Bill and Jill Will! - Book Nine of the Single Sound System of Teaching Someone to Read
Billy Bogglesworth and the Road to Muffinville and Other Stories by David Whitney
Blake's Oddity by Nicky Sutton - a fantasy adventure novel
The Blue Fox by Maya Ray
The Boy, the Girl and the Very Tiny Reality by Stefany Veldemiry
The Breeze and the Chimney by Evridiki Amanatidou
Bugs by Numbers by Danielle Bruckert
Busy Bee's Flower Friends by Nicola Hawkins

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Absence makes the heart fonder: people often feel more affectionate toward each other when they are apart

Actions speak louder than words: people’s actions are more convincing than their words are

After the feast comes the reckoning: people must always pay the price of their excesses

All that glitters is not gold: some things are not as valuable as they appear to be


How to learn English pronunciation

English uses different sounds than other languages. For example, the first sound in the word thin and the first sound in the word away are never heard in many languages.
Therefore, you have to:
  1. know all the English sounds
  2. listen to how they sound in real words and sentences
  3. practice your pronunciation — listen to English words and sentences, and try to repeat them as well as you can
It's not so important to spend a lot of time practicing; it's more important to do it regularly. Many learners find that just starting to pay attention to pronunciation helps them improve a great deal.

It is a good idea to try to imitate English words whenever you're listening to anything in English (watching TV, watching a movie, etc.). You should also try to pronounce English words whenever you're somewhere alone with a little time to spare, e.g. while waiting for the bus, taking a shower, or surfing the Web. Once your mouth and tongue get used to the new sounds, you will not find them difficult at all.

You will need at least some talent for imitating sounds (for instance, if you can imitate people in your own language, it should be easy for you to "do" English pronunciation). However, if you don't have these skills, you can achieve a lot with persistence and a little technology. One helpful technique is to record your voice and compare it with the correct pronunciation. This way, you can see where your pronunciation is different from the original and you can gradually make it more native-like.

Oh, and one more thing: Don't let other people tell you that "since you are a foreigner, you will always have a foreign accent".

How To Learn English!

Here are some tips which may help you to master the English Language!

Speak without Fear
The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear.  They worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all.  Don’t do this.  The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again until you get it right.  
Like anything, learning English requires practice.  Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want. 

Use all of your Resources

Download Free English Ebooks -

Each picture comes with a link to free download

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Click on the thumbnails to get a larger, printable version.

Family 1

Family 2

Family 3

Family 4

Family 5

Family 1bw

Family 2bw

Family 3bw

Family 4bw

Family 5bw


Olympics: Reading and Grammar - A Short History

The modern Olympic Games began with the creation of the International Olympic Committee (the IOC) in 1894 and Greece was the first country to hold the games, in the city of Athens, in 1896. 

Fourteen countries with 241 athletes competed in fortythree events. Although some people wanted to have the games in Athens every four years, the IOC decided to have them in different countries and cities. 

In 1900, they were held in Paris and women were allowed to compete in the games for the first time. The first Winter Olympic Games were held in 1924 and athletes competed in events such as skating and ice hockey. Over 200 countries now compete in the Summer Olympic Games. 

The number of events has increased to 300 events and instead of five days of competition, the games now last for seventeen days. 

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100 textos em inglês com áudio para iniciantes

Aproveite muito bem esse material, são textos gravados por americanos a pronúncia é bem clara, se você não entendeu uma palavra pesquise no tradutor ou use um dicionário. 
Não desperdice esses 100 textos em inglês com áudio. 
Pratique pelo menos 3 vezes ao dia e você vai perceber o seu inglês deslanchar.



Flashcards são cartões com imagens. 

material pedagogico

Você pode fazer os seus utilizando figuras de revistas e livros ou imagens da internet, ou baixar em sites modelos prontos. 
material pedagogico

June Festival or feast of Saint John (festa de São João)

                           ♫🔥 Olha pro céu meu amor, vem vê como o ele está lindo! ♫🔥

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Sem precisar instalar nada, apenas com a sua conexão de internet e através do próprio navegador, este site faz o download (de vídeos disponíveis no Youtube) rapidamente para você:
(não se preocupem, não é vírus, não é propaganda, é apenas uma dica que acho muito útil)

Entre no Youtube, no vídeo que você quiser baixar. Copie o link. 

Abra uma nova guia, cole o link e apague as letras UBE. Clique enter.


Apostilas de inglês para iniciantes com exercícios

Apostilas de inglês para iniciantes -  aprenda coisas básicas como falar seu endereço e idade, hobbies, seu trabalho, seu dia-a-dia, tempos verbais, pronomes, adjetivos, advérbios, sentenças e toda a gramática necessária para se comunicar bem tanto na escrita quanto na fala.

(Para visualizar o material abaixo, clique na figura "" e aguarde seu carregamento)


Dinâmicas e jogos para aulas de inglês

As dinâmicas de ensino são muito importantes para dar um ar diferente a rotina da sala de aula, eles são capazes de motivar os alunos e abrir espaço para o aprendizado de uma forma simples e divertida.

Algumas dinâmicas de apresentação.

1- Palavras aleatórias:
Cada aluno escreve um pré-determinado número de palavras/ números em um pedaço de papel/ lousa, com informações aleatória sobre a sua vida. Eu por exemplo costumo escrever Read/Books (My favorite hobby), 2 (dogs), Cats (Allergic to), 1 (Brother), England (Have been to). E os outros tem de fazer perguntas até conseguir acertar a que aquelas palavras/números se referem.
Pode levar algum tempo dependendo do número de alunos da sala

Character and Personality Adjectives. Lists of opposites. Reading Practice

Character traits (also called personality traits) are qualities or characteristics that describe what a person is like. 



Holiday Lessons

Holiday Lessons

Holiday lessons provide a fun and easy way for students to learn about our government and its history. 
Each holiday honors a person or event that had a lasting influence on our nation. 
Federal holidays like the Fourth of July are patriotic. 
Some holidays originated outside the United States but are enjoyed by Americans of all origins. 
The holiday material on this civics website includes: photo lessons, worksheets, crossword puzzles, PowerPoint presentations, videos, and more. 


New Year's Day - January 1

Inauguration Day - January 20 every fourth year - Next one is in 2017

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - third Monday in January


Free ESL Worksheets

Free printable worksheets for English as a Second Language students and teachers. 

Games, reading, vocabulary, crossword puzzles, picture ...


Short StoriesShort Stories - These high-interest short stories are designed for ESL students from beginning-low to intermediate reading levels. Each story is based on an everyday problem that a character is having and includes an image. The stories are designed with lifeskill lessons in mind and should work well with the units found in a typical ESL picture dictionary. All the worksheets start with a short reading assignment and include a true/false exercise and an easy writing prompt. Happy reading!

ESL Worksheets eBookESL Worksheets eBook - These free eBooks have 10-20 printable worksheets with short stories for beginning to intermediate level ESL students. All the images are black and white so they print clearly. The books are being released under Creative Commons License 3.0, so you are free to make photocopies or even upload them to your own Web Site as long as you give credit to their creator and don't change the content. Each story covers a life skill subject like family, transportation, health, employment, technology, etc.

Crossword PuzzlesCrossword Puzzles - Crossword puzzles provide a fun and easy way for ESL students to improve their vocabulary and spelling skills. The intellectual stimulation provided by solving crossword puzzles keeps students focused and engaged while creating a joyful atmosphere in the classroom. If the puzzle clues prove too difficult for your students, you can always make things easier for them by writing the words from the answer key on the board. Allowing students to work in pairs will also make solving the puzzles faster and easier.


English idiomatic expressions, in common language conversation translated to Portuguese.

English idiomatic expressions, in common language conversation translated to Portuguese.... Audio pronunciation in English.


Abertura, Encerramento e Lema

Acontecerão, no mês de agosto de 2016 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), os XXXI Jogos Olímpicos de Verão. 
Clique na Imagem para ampliar

A abertura será realizada no dia 5 de agosto. 
A cerimônia de encerramento ocorrerá no dia 21 de agosto. 
O lema dos jogos será "Viva sua paixão".