

Apostilas de inglês para iniciantes com exercícios

Apostilas de inglês para iniciantes -  aprenda coisas básicas como falar seu endereço e idade, hobbies, seu trabalho, seu dia-a-dia, tempos verbais, pronomes, adjetivos, advérbios, sentenças e toda a gramática necessária para se comunicar bem tanto na escrita quanto na fala.

(Para visualizar o material abaixo, clique na figura "" e aguarde seu carregamento)

 Aula 01. What's your address?
 Aula 02. He is finally sleeping
 Aula 03. What do you do?
 Aula 04. But today...
 Aula 05. What a day!
 Aula 06. I have a big problem!
 Aula 07. I know, but...
 Aula 08. I never work on Sunday
 Aula 09. How often do you go to the movies?
 Aula 10. Revisão
 Aula 11. Let's try again
 Aula 12. Why don't we try again?
 Aula 13. You should try it
 Aula 14. How about taking some aspirin?
 Aula 15. Revisão
 Aula 16. I am going to study
 Aula 17. I am not going to study
 Aula 18. What are you going to do?
 Aula 19. She is coming to visit us
 Aula 20. Revisão
 Gabaritos das perguntas e exercícios
 Aula 21. I think the world will be different
 Aula 22. Hunger won't be a problem in the future
 Aula  23. Will you be around this weekend?
 Aula 24. Will or going to?
 Aula 25. Revisão
 Aula 26. Where were you yesterday?
 Aula 27. I worked a lot yesterday
 Aula 28. I didn't have time
 Aula 29. Did you work yesterday?
 Aula 30. News from today
 Aula 31. I went to the beach last weekend
 Aula 32. How was your weekend?
 Aula 33. Past past past
 Aula 34. The emperor's new clothes
 Aula 35. Texts
 Aula 36. It is as beautiful as...
 Aula 37. It is more beautiful than...
 Aula 38. It is less expensive than
 Aula 39. It is the most interesting
 Aula 40. Exercícios extras
 Gabaritos das perguntas e exercícios
