

Difference between NO and NOT

We can make a word, expression or clause negative by putting notbefore it.
  • I do not intend to resign.
  • Ask James, not his wife.
  • Not surprisingly, they got divorced within a couple of months.
  • You can come tomorrow, but not on Friday.

The word no never precedes: a, an, the, any, much, many, enough.
No is used:
  • as an exclamation.
  • as an adjective before singular and plural nouns.
No is used in a different way. It is used with a noun or an –ing form to mean ‘not any’.
  • No students joined the program. (= There weren’t any students who joined the program.)
  • No man is perfect. (= There aren’t any perfect men.)
  • She has got no children. (= She hasn’t got any children.)
  • I have got no money to buy food. (= I haven’t got any money to buy food.)
Not is used:
  • as an adverb to make a sentence negative. 
  • to make an adjective or adverb negative.
  • in short replies with a number of verbs.

  • We have no money in the bank now.
  • We do not have any money in the bank now.

  • There are no books in the bookcase.
  • There are no English books in the bookcae.
  • There are not any books in the bookcase.

  • Do you like coffe? No, I don't.
  • Didn't you finish it? No, I didn't.

  • Don't you want this?               Not at all.
  • Won't you be mad at us?        Not in the least.
  • Aren't you going to go?          Not right now.
  • Who took my book?                Not I.
In some cases the structures verb + not and no + noun can have similar meanings.
  • There wasn’t any reply. = There was no reply.

Complete the following sentences not or no.
1. We have ………………………….. money. (no / not)
2. It is ……………………………. true. (not / no)
3. He is ……………………………. stupid. (no / not)
4. Now you see me, now you do ……………………………. (not / no)
5. She has got ………………………. friends. (not / no)
6. She has ………………………….. got any money. (not / no)
1. We have no money.
2. It is not true.
3. He is no stupid.
4. Now you see me, now you do not.
5. She has got no friends.
6. She has not got any money
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