

Classroom Ideas - 11 ótimas ideias para você turbinar as suas aulas.

De planejamento a atividades práticas, o objetivo é que tanto você, quanto seus alunos tirem o máximo de proveito das aulas.


Que tal ter seus planejamentos todos resumidos e guardados em um arquivo pessoal? 
A ideia é preencher fichas contendo os seguintes itens:

Games and Activties - 2


Para esse jogo, o professor seleciona uma quantidade de flashcards sobre o tema estudado. Esses flashcards podem ser confeccionados pelos próprios alunos. Logo após, os alunos sentam em círculo com os flashcards empilhados no centro. 

O primeiro aluno joga o dado e para cada número tirado, devem seguir as instruções:

Games and Activities - 1

O blog traz hoje uma postagem com ideias de jogos e atividades para tornar as aulas mais dinâmicas e animadas. 


Tirinhas são super fáceis de encontrar. Que tal selecionar algumas, apagar os balões de diálogos e pedir aos alunos que escrevam suas próprias histórias? No final todas podem fazer parte de um comic book (revista em quadrinhos) coletivo.


FARM ANIMALS - Teaching Topics

Teaching Topics

O professor pode iniciar a aula trabalhando com flashcards para introduzir o novo vocabulário 
(What's this? / It's a _____.). 

Você pode fazer os flashcards com seus alunos, ou imprimi-los de sites como o docstoc ou o eslprintables, que também traz várias atividades para imprimir.

Dicas para Quem Estuda Inglês

Algumas dicas para quem deseja fazer um curso de inglês :

5 segredos para ser um ótimo professor de inglês!

1 – Foque-se em como aprender inglês e como você vai passar isso ao aluno
A primeira dica eu considero a mais importante de todas. Você precisa focar no “como aprender inglês” e como você vai passar isso para os seus alunos. Com isso eu quero dizer que, muitos professores de inglês, uma grande parte na verdade, se focam e dar boas aulas, em criar materiais e aulas legais e divertidas, o que na prática não muito resultado. Ao fazer isso você não estará se focando no aluno, no que o aluno quer saber, mas sim focando em si próprio. Você pode até preparar uma aula muito divertida com música e tudo mais, porém no final das contas o resultado que o aluno está buscando não será alcançado. Este é um erro muito comum entre professores. 


Enriching Primary English

For Teachers 
📚 Enriching Primary English - Edition: 2015
PDF file, 8 MB Pages: 187


6 stories for you to Learners - and how to use them

📚 Telling Tales in English
6 stories for you to Learners - and how to use them
PDF file, 32 MB Pages: 83


Learning to Teach English

📚 Learning to Teach English
Edition: 2005
PDF file, 114 MB Pages: 144


Worksheets and Activities for Kids

📚 ESL Worksheets and Activities for Kids
By: Miryung Pitts
This book consists of 10 topics: Family, numbers, shapes, time, months, days, weather, prepositions, money, and animals. There are instructions for all of the worksheets at the beginning of each topic section.
PDF file, 6 MB 


Nunca é tarde para aprender

Aprender uma nova língua já na fase adulta, seja para se qualificar profissionalmente ou mesmo para satisfazer a vontade de entender um filme sem legendas ou cantarolar uma música estrangeira, é mais comum do que se pensa. 

Emoji in class... Emoji lesson plan

1 What your emoji says about you

Begin by asking students which emoji they think they use the most (assuming that the majority of students do use or have used emoji, that is). They can call this out, explaining what it is in English. You may even want to start by saying what your most commonly used emoji is (mine is the face with tears of joy, by the way).

Writing Jar

The idea here is to have a jar full of writing prompts, the ones I’ve included have a big range. I tried to include thought-provoking, serious, funny and creative,  so that each time they reach into the jar they’ll be challenged with a different kind of writing and style. It helps keep it from being boring and exposes them to lots of different ways of writing. Of course you can fill it with your own prompts… whatever works for your homeschool.

Here’s a few tips for using the jar & prompts
#1- “Why? is implied” – There are some prompts like, “What is your favorite song?” Or “Write about someone who inspires you.” Or  “If you could only say 20 words for the rest of your life what would you pick?” They don’t all have “Why?” written after them. I told the boys that if there is one where “Why?” makes sense at the end of it that is part of the question.


Basic Sentence Structure In English

In grammar, a sentence is the basic grammatical unit. It contains a group of words and expresses a complete thought.
Parts of Sentences:
  • Subject
  • Predicate
  • Object
  • Complement

The two basic parts of a sentence are the subject and predicate.

Paragraph Writing

A paragraph is the number of sentences grouped together and relating to one topic; a group of related sentences that develop single point.
A paragraph may contain one sentence or many sentences, there is no specific length of a paragraph.
How to Write a Paragraph

Infographic - 11 Boring Phrases & What to Use Instead

There's nothing more boring than reading the same phrases over and over again. 
Take a look at this infographic to find out how to make your writing more varied and interesting.

33 WAYS TO SPEAK BETTER ENGLISH – without taking classes

When we communicate effectively we are able to express our ideas and opinions, share experiences, and build relationships with others. When we struggle to express ourselves, we feel unvalued and insecure. As human beings, we want to participate in group discussions and have an impact on the society around us. Well, English teachers and English classes definitely help. But, studying English for a few hours a week may not improve your spoken English very much.
What you need is to become a self-directed learner, somebody who takes responsibility for their own learning and creates their own learning programme to develop their English.
Here are 11 (OUT OF 33) ways to speak better English, without going to classes.
1. Record yourself speaking English. Listening to yourself can be strange at first but you get used to it. Listen to a recording of a fluent English speaker (a short audio file) and then record yourself repeating what they said. Compare the difference and try again. Humans are natural mimics so you will find yourself getting better and better. Soundcloud ttps://soundcloud.com/ is an excellent tool for voice recording as you or your teacher can make notes about your errors.
2. Read aloud, especially dialogue. Reading aloud is not the same as speaking naturally. However, it is very useful for exercising the vocal muscles. Practise for 5 or 10 minutes a day and you will begin to notice which sounds are difficult for you to produce. Find transcripts of natural dialogues, such as these here http://www.teacherjoe.us/NYBJ.html, and practise acting them with a friend, you will also learn common phrases which we use when speaking.
3. Sing along to English songs while you’re driving or in the shower. The lyrics to pop songs are often conversational so you can learn lots of common expressions by listening to them. Humans are also able to remember words when used together with music which is why it is difficult to remember poems but easy to remember the words to songs. Here are some songs to get started with. http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/phonemic-ch..



June’s party was first a celebration of a good harvest and the Portuguese introduced the party in Brazil, after 1500.
They were called “Joaninas” party, but as it is in the same period of some saints’ days, the catholic church celebrated St. Anthony, St. John and St. Peter as well.

June Fest!!!!

June Parties, or Festas Juninas as they are known in Brazil, are parties held throughout the month of June to commemorate the saints John, Peter and/or Anthony (depending on the region). Brought to Brazil by the Portuguese when they colonized the country in the early 1500´s, the parties are a celebration with fireworks, dancing, eating and drinking, costume wearing and games.

June parties are celebrated in many countries around the world. However, they are particularly popular in Christian European countries because of their origin and much of the festivity is dedicated to Saint John the Baptist as he is said to have been born six months before the birth of Christ; hence the traditional ´Feast of Saint John´ on the 24th of June.