

#Game - #Adjectives and #Nouns

Adjectives are words used to describe something. Kids practice nouns that are described by different adjectives in this out-of-this-world sorting game. 
In it, children read the adjective at the top of each word transporter machine, and drag the adjectives that describe them into each machine.



10 TOP SPINNER GAMES for your English Classes

🎲10 TOP SPINNER GAMES for your English Classes🎳:

1) Spin the spinner and while it's spinning try to copy as many letters in the grid as possible (worksheet is attached).

2) Spin the spinner and while it's spinning try to name all letters/words/antonyms in the maze (worksheets are attached).


6 fun games that promote Autonomy, Choice, and Engagement

Projects need autonomous and engaged people who make good choices. And by doing so they are able to achieve greatness. 

A great way to do that is by creating (or copying) games. Games are fun, demand communication, collaboration and competition, require critical and creative thinking and, if you have more than one game, promote the ACE concept. 
The best part: different teams can be working on different skills with different games at different times. All you need to do is set up different working stations in the classroom. 

5 activities to get your students to speak more in class

13 Tips to Help You Start a Great Semester

Routine to create an inspiring atmosphere and engage your students:

1. Show them who you are, what you are passionate about, the cool things you can do to let them know they have an awesome teacher;
2. Don’t judge them. Have as little background information on them as possible, at least for the first week before the inevitable labels come. When they come, remember that you can always help your students improve;
3. Learn and memorize their names and show them you care about them;
4. Let them tell you who they are and what makes them tick;


Awesome Resources for Introverts and Extroverts Who Are E-Learning a Language

Listening and Speaking Resources for the Extrovert

If you’re an extrovert, it’s likely that social interactions form an important part of your life. Luckily for you, auditory learning can be combined with many online tools that can help you meet and interact with people.

Of course, all learners will eventually need to practice with native speakers to really take their auditory skills to the next level, so introverts and extroverts alike should take note of these awesome resources.
Listening and Speaking Resources for the Extrovert

#Halloween - #Games

#Halloween - #Games

Fun #literacy #games and #Halloween #stories for the JK-grade 2 crowd all in one place! #Tips for #reading with #kids

7 brincadeiras para o dia das bruxas

Primeira sugestão: Corrida das múmias.


Attention getters are a great classroom management tool! Whether students are busy working in groups, on class projects, or are just plain chatty, these attention getters are not only fun, but are an effective way to get your class re-focused, so you can give instructions. 


How to Overcome Your Fear of Speaking to Native Speakers in English

Today I'll show you 4 reasons why we fear talking to native speakers in English and how to overcome them.
It is natural to have fear of speaking in public. However, it can get worse if we are speaking English or a second language.
It is possible to get better at this, but first, we need to understand a few things.
Watch this video and learn how you can overcome this fear and speak more confidently.

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Como se Preparar Bem para um Concurso Público para Professores

Passo a Passo Como se Preparar Bem para um Concurso Público para Professores


Muita gente vai completamente despreparada para os concursos. Não acredite naquele seu amigo que te disse que foi aprovado no concurso sem estudar. Ele pode ter tido sorte, pode ser um gênio ou pode estar mentindo para você. E em qualquer um destes casos, pode ser que isso não seja aplicável a você.
E atenção: apenas separar textos para ler não é estudar. Recortar e colar trechos de vários textos em um editor de texto de sua preferência não é estudar. 
Ler não é estudar.

What is the best teaching method for learning English?

According to academic research, linguists have demonstrated that there is not one single best method for everyone in all contexts, and that no one teaching method is inherently superior to the others.

Also, it is not always possible – or appropriate – to apply the same methodology to all learners, who have different objectives, environments and learning needs.


Como estudar inglês pela internet?

A primeira e talvez mais importante delas é que você entenda uma coisa simples: Ler não é estudar. 

O que eu quero dizer com isso? Que ler o post uma vez e ver o que a expressão significa, no site ou através das dicas que damos nas nossas redes sociais, não fará com que você memorize para sempre.

Professor Pier dizia ainda que para que o nosso cérebro entenda que aquilo é importante, é necessário reforçar escrevendo, com papel e caneta mesmo. 

Quando escrevemos aquilo que aprendemos, estamos dizendo ao nosso cérebro que ele deve guardar aquele conteúdo em um lugar importante.



Ideas for using music in English teaching

English songs can be used for a wide variety of ESL learning and teaching activities. They can start discussions on a topic or even become the centre of debate. This is especially true of songs that develop a particular theme. Songs are also great for teaching listening. 
One of my favorite exercises with music is completing the blanks as students listen or listening and choosing the correct words from two words than rhyme, for example cry and try. 
You can teach grammar with songs in many ways.

Teach English with Song

Grammar Punctuation & Spelling Songs

Parts of Speech, Synonyms, Antonyms, Compound Words, Contractions & More

Music is a great language package that bundles culture, vocabulary, listening, grammar and a host of other language skills in just a few rhymes. 

Music can also provide a relaxed lesson on a hot boring day. It can also form the basis for many lessons.

Grammar Songs - General
4 Kinds of Sentences – Kathleen Wiley
10 Grammar Rules Song – Tim Pacific
A Simple Sentence – Music with Mar.
Complete & Incomplete Sentences Square Dance – Music with Mar.
Editor's Checklist – Learning by Song
Grammar Rapper – Dennis Westphall
The Language Police – Joe Crone
Parts of Speech Rap – Learning by Song
The Very Basic Grammar Song – Tim Pacific

Parts of Speech
Move For A Proper Noun – Music with Mar.
Nouns – Jack Hartmann
Nouns – Ron Brown
Nouns – Music with Mar.

The 36 Prepositions Song – Tim Pacific
Action Verbs – Jack Hartmann
Action Verbs – Songs of Writing
Am Is Are Was Were –Katherine Dines
The Ballad of Joey Bon Bon and Fuzzy Boo Boo – Brainchildren!
Grammar Tenses – MindMuzic
Helper Verbs – Learning by Song
King Verb – Jim Thompson
Lucky Socks – Brainchildren!
Phrasal Verbs and the Imperative – Learning English Through Song
The Verb Game – Music with Mar.
The Verb Rap Song – Earth Tone Enterprises 

Gincana cultural sobre Língua Inglesa para os alunos do ensino fundamental.


01= Cadastramento [aqui],
02= Segurança no trânsito,
03= Sexualidade na adolescência,

04= Teste virtual,

Songs for Teaching

Music can be a great way to connect with your students. Even students who aren’t fluent in English often know the words of popular songs phonetically, which makes these songs ideal resources for teaching your students certain forms of grammar, as well as vocabulary

Clash Royale -- Gaming

Benefits of Virtual Gaming
Vocabulary learning can be significantly improved.
Writing skills can also increased significantly.
Gaming can help in motivating students to engaged in activities relating to the learning of a second language


Teach Write a Letter

Letter writing

Steps of writing an informal letter. 

1. Write the date and a salutation.
2. Begin the letter with some pleasantries.
3. Share news and personal details.
4. Discuss topics that are relevant to your friend.
5. Write a final paragraph sending your friend best wishes.
6. Finish off with a closing, then sign your name.

Beginning the Letter

1 - Date the letter. If you're taking the trouble to write a letter by hand, it's nice to add a date on the top left corner of the paper. Many people save letters for years to come, and they like to be able to see what day and year it was written to reminisce about earlier times. Write out the date - for example, "May 7, 2013" - or abbreviate it using only numbers indicating the month, day and year.

2 - Write a salutation. The beginning of a letter, whether it's handwritten or in the form of an email, is called a salutation. That's where you address the person to whom you're writing by name - for example, "Dear Emily" or "Hello, Skylar." Think about the nature of your relationship with the letter recipient, as well as your own preferences and style, and choose your greeting accordingly.



Conta a lenda que, quando os deuses liberaram o conhecimento sobre como ensinar os homens, determinaram que aquele "saber" ficaria restrito a um grupo muito selecionado de sábios. Mas, neste pequeno grupo, onde todos se achavam "semi-deuses", alguém traiu as determinações divinas...

Aí aconteceu o pior!!!!!!........

Os deuses, bravos com a traição, resolveram fazer valer alguns mandamentos:

1º - Não terás vida pessoal, familiar ou sentimental.

2º - Não verás teu filho crescer.

3º - Não terás feriado, fins de semana ou qualquer outro tipo de folga.

4º - Terás gastrite, se tiveres sorte. Se for como os demais terás úlcera.

5º - A pressa será teu único amigo e as suas refeições principais serão os lanches, as pizzas e o china in box.

6º - Teus cabelos ficarão brancos antes do tempo, isso se te sobrarem cabelos.

Irregular Plurals Card Game

New way to practice irregular plural nouns - you know, those words that in their plural form don't have an s or es on the end. 

What better way than a card game?

Before we got playful, we read Brain P. Cleary's Feet and Puppies, Thieves and Guppies: What are Irregular Plurals? 
Wacky illustrations combine with a whimsical rhyming explanation of the wacky inconsistencies of the English language.

Five cards were dealt to each of us. The rest of the cards were laid face down and scrambled around in a messy pile. The game is played like "Go Fish."

Players take turns asking their opponent(s) if they have the singular or plural form of the cards in their hand, until they have a match. If the opponent provides the card, the player gets to ask again, until they are told "I don't have that card" and must draw a card from the pile in the middle.

When a player runs out of cards, the game is over. Whoever has the most matches is the winner.

See more at:


SLAP IT! - Irregular Past Tense Verbs Game

Keep the decks of cards separated and shuffle each well. The game is played like slap jack. 

Set a timer for 6-10 minutes (or longer). 

Turn the top card on the present tense deck (black and white cards) over so each player can read it. Leave it face up.

Now begin turning the colored (present tense) cards over one at a time, forming a pile. The player to spot the past tense version (e.g. left) of the present tense verb (e.g. leave) and slap the card first gets to take all the cards underneath.

The player counts those cards and the number is written down on a makeshift scorecard. The colored cards won by the player are combined with any remaining colored cards and a new present tense card is flipped over; play continues.

When the timer goes off, tally each player's score. Whoever has the highest number wins!

See more at:
