

Awesome Resources for Introverts and Extroverts Who Are E-Learning a Language

Listening and Speaking Resources for the Extrovert

If you’re an extrovert, it’s likely that social interactions form an important part of your life. Luckily for you, auditory learning can be combined with many online tools that can help you meet and interact with people.

Of course, all learners will eventually need to practice with native speakers to really take their auditory skills to the next level, so introverts and extroverts alike should take note of these awesome resources.
Listening and Speaking Resources for the Extrovert

If you’re an extrovert, it’s likely that social interactions form an important part of your life. Luckily for you, auditory learning can be combined with many online tools that can help you meet and interact with people.
Of course, all learners will eventually need to practice with native speakers to really take their auditory skills to the next level, so introverts and extroverts alike should take note of these awesome resources.


If you’re looking for immediate feedback and culturally-relevant lessons, FluentU is the right place. Extroverts and introverts alike will find this innovative platform useful.
FluentU is an online immersion platform that takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.
Videos are organized by difficulty (beginner to native), topic (arts and entertainment, health and lifestyle, etc.) and format (video blog, news, shows, etc.)—so you can easily browse and find something perfect for your level and interests.
Every word comes with an in-context definition, image, audio and multiple example sentences for easy learning and understanding. You can even click on a word to see how it’s used in other videos across the site.
If you like to make friends and are eager to practice your language skills, HelloTalk is a great place to start. This app will connect you with native speakers and you can begin to text and chat with them immediately.
HelloTalk’s features work especially well with auditory learning. You can send and receive voice messages, have voice chats or use the app’s voice recognition system, which will help to make things easier if you’re not entirely confident speaking in your target language. You can even start video calls to make the experience even more personal.


If you’re an advanced learner looking for more focused practice, why not FaceTime with native speakers or even have in-person conversations? With Accint, you can browse through the list of native speakers of your target language, then get in touch with them and request a conversation.
Once your request is accepted, schedule a conversation and start preparing questions or specific topics you’d like to discuss.


Tandem is a language exchange app with a friendly community where you can meet and chat with native speakers. It will help you in improving your speaking and listening skills by learning words, phrases and pronunciation in a social context—helping you sound like a native in no time.
You can choose to text people, send voice messages, call them or try a video chat. Tandem has a huge, active community of users. You can easily connect with others, get to know people and learn in a fun, engaging way.

Mango Languages

This app will teach you the conversation skills you need to feel comfortable talking to native speakers rather than boring you with impractical phrases and sentences that aren’t as handy in everyday situations.
Lessons start with a specific phrase or sentence that gets broken down and then built on as the lesson progresses. It also mixes in cultural insight so that you go much deeper than just learning basic words and phrases.
You’ll learn through culturally accurate conversations, while having the option to practice pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Along with giving you a foundation in the language you’re learning, Mango Languages will provide lots of cultural insight to prepare you for real life situations.


Double-checking and correcting mistakes is a vital part of learning a language. Since e-learning is a more independent experience than, for example, taking one-on-one lessons with a tutor or going to a physical class, it becomes especially important to look out for mistakes and correct them quickly.
While not strictly auditory, HiNative is a great tool that provides feedback, answers questions and connects you with a community of language learners. It’s powered by Lang-8, which is a social networking tool to help you correct the mistakes in your foreign language writing. And since the act of writing is producing language, you’ll see an improvement in your speaking skills.
Using Lang-8, you write journal entries in the language you’re learning and they’ll be read and corrected by native speakers. This way, you can make sure that what you’ve learned is correct, eliminate mistakes and still be actively engaged in the learning process.
In turn, you can correct other people’s entries. All this makes HiNative and Lang-8 not only great tools for learning, but also fun ways to make new friends.
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