

Teachers - Reading Worksheets

Worksheets By Grade Level

Kindergarten – Kindergartners start with basic phonics and vocabulary activities. They then progress on to listening and reading short passages for comprehension and understanding.
Grade 1 – We work mostly on pre-reading skills at this level. We start to introduce language skills that require repetition.
Grade 2 – Reading really takes leaps and bounds at this level. We go from reading simple sentences to comparing and contrasting two lengthy passages.
Grade 3 – We take the next step. Reading does really take a jump up at this level.
Grade 4 – This is the level where readers really start to struggle as we add advanced phonics and reading stamina.
Grade 5 – This is where we start to understand how to validate our answers with quotes and references.
Grade 6 – We start to use more formal forms of language and our reading levels jump leaps and bounds.
Grade 7 – The language section gets a bit difficult for weak writers.
Grade 8 – This level requires deep thinking before writing and reading.
Grade 9-10 – For some reason the curriculum commitee lumped the high school grades together in pairs.
