

This #publication is #free to #download

Integrating global issues in the creative English language classroom: 
With reference to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Alan Maley and Nik Peachey

Edited by Alan Maley and Nik Peachey
This publication has a twofold aim – to help students learn a language creatively whilst at the same time raising awareness of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through bringing together a range of innovative ideas for teaching creatively and addressing these key issues. The activities include enabling students to think creatively about sustainable food and food supplies, creating energy which does not harm the environment, and collaborating with other students globally to diminish the digital divide.

This publication is free to download.
PDF icon Integrating global issues in the creative English language classroom

How to Plan a Lesson????


How do we identify and select aims?

AIMS – What we want our learners to be able to do at the end of the lesson
To identify and select the most appropriate aims, we need to ask ourselves two questions:
1.       What do my learners already know?
2.       What do they need to know?

MAIN AIM – Describes the most important thing we want to achieve in a lesson or sequence of lessons.
For example:


2018 #teacher #calendar

Print This #FREE 2018 Teacher Calendar for Your #Classroom

Keep this great calendar for yourself or gift it to your students, parents, or fellow teachers.

Download the full 2018 teacher calendar at  :



#Classroom #Management #Tips - #good #character #bingo

In the first week or so of school after talking about rules, expectations, and all that fun stuff. We would talk about what a good classmate does, says, is, and is not.Then we would make a chart like this:

After that, we would brainstorm good character traits and talk about what each means. (I would guide this list to make sure it included the ones already on the poster.)  I didn’t do all of this in one day; it was more like over the course of a week or two.

#First #day of #school - #Tips for #New #Teachers

Are you nervous about the first day of school? 
Here are some tips to help ease your mind and set the tone for a great year!

The first day of school will be here before you know it. The night before my very first first day of school as a teacher I could not sleep because I was so nervous and excited. Even on my eighth first day as a teacher, I still had butterflies! I thought I would share with you some tips that worked for me. If you are a first year teacher, or if you’ve been around the block (hallway?) a time or two, I hope you find these helpful.
1.Greet your students at the door. Stand at your door with a smile. Greet them, welcome them, learn their names. Help them know that when they walk into your classroom, they will be greeted with a friendly face and kind words. This simple gesture on the first day of school goes a long way!



#First #Day of #School #Resources

Explore our classroom resources for all levels and ages including posters, get-to-know-you activities, start-of-term assemblies and much more - many with special discounts to ensure you're organised and equipped from the very first day


#First #Day of #School

The 1st day of school can be a traumatic one for both students and teachers alike. The tranquil, balmy, slow-paced days of summer are replaced by days filled with rigid deadlines, new friends and teachers, and tricky classroom assignments.

An often-tricky task for educators is creating first day of school activities that break the ice in a classroom and get the students acclimated with one another. Another goal of such activities is making your students feel welcome, and establishing a decent rapport with them.

There are Many 1st Day of School Activities


#First #Day of #School #Activities #Students #Love

The first day of school will be here before you know it. Most teachers face the big day with enthusiasm, but they dread the inevitable challenge: what to do on the first day of school.
Every teacher’s approach is different. 
Whatever your goal, here are a few things to try to get the school year off to a great start!

Goal: Getting to Know Your Students




Registrar as ideias, sintetizar e compartilhar me ajuda a entender o presente, descobrir mais sobre mim, produzir melhor e planejar o futuro.

Um sistema de produtividade analógico que oferece a liberdade da página em branco com a clareza de um sistema digital. 


Tabelinha de preparação para prova ! 


#Holidays in #Brazil in 2018

Holidays are a special time when people get time off of work to be with loved ones. 
There are some holidays that are celebrated all over the world, while others are specific to a country or even a city.
 These important days can teach us a lot about the history and culture of a country. 



#Segredos para #montar um #planner de #professora.

Cada professor(a) tem sua maneira de se organizar  e é difícil encontrar um planner que tenha um layout que se adeque exatamente a nossa necessidade e que torne nosso trabalho mais produtivo.

Sessões do planner de professora Denise http://www.papodaprofessoradenise.com.br/ )

" Essa é a configuração atual e c/certeza não será a final! "
1- Capa


#Printable #Teacher #Planner

Printable Teacher Planner

No matter the style you choose, I hope this free printable teacher planner helps you start off the new school year on an organized foot!


#Planner para qualquer ano

Como fazer seu planner?

Você pode mandar imprimir todos os arquivos numa gráfica (ou em casa) e encadernar de acordo com o que você precisa ou comprar um planner argolado tamanho A5 ou até mesmo um fichário A5!

Índice dos planners

É só você procurar pelo nome do que você quer que irá achar nesse link ( http://www.atravesdalinha.com.br/p/planner-2018.html   )   uma lista em ordem de postagem.

1. Diário

How to Set up and Plan in Your Bullet Journal

If you have all kinds of notes in all kinds of places, and maybe even several different planners / notebooks, this is the hub for you! 
Keep all your notes and daily to-dos, etc in a BULLET JOURNAL!



#Ano #Novo...

Ano Novo...

É perceber que o ser humano precisa de ciclos para continuar tentando. 
É mais do que fogos e espumantes, é sobre pessoas e sobre vc mesmo. 
É sentir que mais importante do que vestir uma cor, é vestir na alma a intensão de Ser. 
É aquilo que, com ou sem luxo, nos traz esperança (mesmo que só por uma noite). 
É, no fim das contas, um “ano velho” que no futuro vc vai poder se orgulhar de ter vivido! 

Feliz 2018 🥂 

#Hoje é um #novo #dia.

Toda a manhã é a oportunidade do novo nascer. Encerre o passado, pense que você agiu com os melhores recursos disponíveis e que os outros fizeram o mesmo. Pare de se questionar e bata a porta. Hoje é um novo momento.
Dê crédito ao novo. 
Pense que tudo que foi ontem, pode ser diferente no hoje.

Que ainda conhece muito pouco sobre o outro e que hoje quer conhecer outras facetas. 
Que ainda conhece muito pouco sobre os acontecimentos da vida e que hoje algo pode surpreendê-lo.
Que ainda conhece muito pouco sobre suas capacidades e que hoje pode haver superações.
Abra a porta....
Hoje é um novo dia.

Rosalia Schwark🍃

#Gratidão, 2017 ... #Bem #vindo, 2018!

Fechando ciclos, encerrando histórias e permitindo que o tempo faça o trabalho dele, seguimos para mais um ano. Que o #Senhor nos conceda : #saúde,#paz , #luz#sabedoria, (...) nos conceda tudo que for necessário para nosso melhoramento .Assim seja.

Hoje a Igreja celebra #Santa #Maria#mãe de #Deus#rainha da #paz.
#Mãe #Santíssima#cubra-nos com seu #manto de amor (...)
 #Ave #Maria cheia de #graça o #Senhor é convosco
(... ) #rogai por nós pecadores agora e na hora de nossa morte. #Amem.

#Mother #Mary pray for us .#Feliz #Ano #Novo!!!!

"Que #Deus #permita que #tenhamos um #Novo #Ano com #tudo aquilo que mais #necessitamos para #completar nossa #alegria, que #esteja ao #nosso#alcance a #saúde e a #certeza de nossa #capacidade para #sermos#felizes."
#Feliz #Ano #Novo!!!!

#Mother #Mary pray for us ❤️.     
#Thank #you Mother so much💐#Amen🙏