

#Classroom #Management #Tips - #good #character #bingo

In the first week or so of school after talking about rules, expectations, and all that fun stuff. We would talk about what a good classmate does, says, is, and is not.Then we would make a chart like this:

After that, we would brainstorm good character traits and talk about what each means. (I would guide this list to make sure it included the ones already on the poster.)  I didn’t do all of this in one day; it was more like over the course of a week or two.

Then I would introduce the good character bingo. Basically, when I notice students exhibiting one of those traits, they write their name in the box. When we get a bingo, we win a class prize. We vote on the class prize ahead of time. I gave the choices of Double Recess, Lunch in the Classroom, or Movie. They almost always voted for Lunch in the Classroom. (Why do kids like eating in the classroom so much?)
That’s it. That’s good character bingo. It really didn’t take up much time, and I feel like it helped the climate of the classroom.

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