

Back to School

Back to School Checklist

  • Created name tags for students and their desks.
  • Laminated name tags that include specific information such as walker, bus number, address etc.
  • Read through student files to help determine placement in groups and activities.
  • Determined seating chart and desk arrangement.
  • Decorated the bulletin boards.
  • Decorated the front door.
  • (...)

  • Determined the rules and consequences or how you will have the class decide upon the rules.
  • Decided on icebreaker activities for the first day of class.
  • Collected activities and lessons for the first week of school.
  • Became familiar with the class computer and other technology needed for the classroom.
  • Decided how to welcome students and introduce them to the rules and procedures.
  • Developed a substitute folder.
  • Printed emergency contact form.
  • Ordered extra supplies for students such as folder, pencils, glue etc.
  • Set up Learning centers with supplies in place.
  • Created classroom jobs.
  • Camera ready to take pictures of the students.
  • Got to know fellow teachers and staff members.
  • Set up classroom calendar.
  • Organize the classroom library.
  • Made copies of all worksheets that you want to send home for the first week of school.
  • Labeled workbooks, folders and textbooks with students' names.
  • Gathered extra tissues, paper towels, band aids and emergency supplies.
  • Created first newsletter to send home.
  • Gathered book order information to send out.
  • Have a reward or incentive box filled.
  • Have a birthday chart ready to be filled out.
  • Have all systems in order (homework basket, paperwork basket etc.)
  • Take home folders are labeled and filled with the necessary paperwork.
  • Purchased a lesson plan organizer and calendar.
  • Purchased or gathered cleaning supplies for classroom.
  • Purchased a bottle of aspirin for you, and hand sanitizer for the class.
  • Gathered teacher materials and supplies.
  • Create a routine for attendance, lunch count, walking in halls etc.
  • Set up a class webpage to communicate with students and parents.
  • Purchased any classroom supplies that is needed.
  • Find out student schedule for lunch, gym, library etc.
  • Obtained district curriculum standards.
  • Prepared a folder for faculty meetings and information.
  • Made copies of materials for the first few weeks.
  • Posted lunch menu.
  • Posted emergency evacuation and procedures.
  • First aid kit stocked and in place.
  • Shelves, cubbies and activity areas are clearly labeled.
  • Decided how to manage homework.
  • Decided how to manage using the restroom ( lavatory passes, just get up and go etc.)
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