

Why Use Songs to Learn a Language?

Songs are fantastic learning tools!
  • They’re repetitive. How many words do you actually think are in Bieber’s “Baby”? In your native language, this often leads to super annoying earworms. However, in your target language, the repetition is ideal. Sincelearning a language is usually built on repetition, songs and language learning are a natural match.
  • They invite participation. Perfecting a language requires speaking and listening practice, but speaking practice can be hard to come by. Songs, however, make you want to sing along, so you get some speaking practice without even having to focus on it.
  • They help you learn vocabulary and perfect your pronunciation. Vocabulary is much easier to remember when you can play through a catchy beat in your head to get to the word in question. Pronunciation, too, seems much easier when it’s conveyed so melodically.
  • They let you sneak in more language practice disguised as recreation. You can take a study break to listen to music. It’ll still feel like a break, but you won’t even halt your learning!