

How to Start a Conversation

English Activities
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Use this handy card whenever you want to start a conversation with a British person.

 Just look them in the eye and say the conversation starter for your level. 

It’s as easy as that!


It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?


Bit of a cold wind today, isn’t there? Looks like we’re in for some rain later.

( ... )

A trough of low pressure is sweeping down from south-east Iceland, bringing fog and frost to low lying areas, with scattered thunderstorms in the west and a belt of rain, which may fall as sleet or snow over the Pennines, moving across the whole country by tomorrow lunchtime.
Don’t worry if you can’t understand their reply—just keep smiling!

Tourists like you are ruining this place!

Yes, it is, isn’t it?

Get around in English: Lesson Sixteen How to Complain

This meat is as tough as old boots. How’s your fish?

It tastes off. And these vegetables are cold.

This wine is awful — I asked for dry and they’ve given us sweet!

And look, there’s a worm in my side-salad..

How is your meal? Is everything all right?

Oh, yes. It’s lovely!

Excellent thank you!

My English When I Arrived Here

Speak slowly, I don’t can good understand
My English Now (£5000 later)

Speak slowly, please, I don’t can good understand!

How to be Polite

1. Wrong

2. Right
Excuse me, Sir, I’m terribly sorry to bother you, but I wonder if you would mind helping me a moment, as long as it’s no trouble, of course

I can't understand this – it's all FOREIGN

This weather's too hot for me!
Well, take your pullover off then!

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