

#Classroom #routines and #procedures

Morning Routine
- How to politely enter and exit the classroom
- How and when to turn in homework, homework folder, or parent notes
- Where to put packed lunch
- Where to put backpack, coat, etc.
- How to do lunch count if your school does that
- How to do attendance if they help with that (in my Fun Teaching Graphing Ideas blog post, I show how to use a daily graphing question to help take attendance which is also math practice and a fun way to start calendar later in the day)
- What to do after they’ve put away their backpack, done lunch count, etc. (have a specific task like start morning work or start morning tubs)
(... )

- What goes in caddies
- When they can access backpacks/cubbies during school day (and IF they are allowed to)
- How to sharpen pencils or get a new pencil / what to do if pencil breaks
- How to safely handle scissors
- How to handle glue
- Where to put items they find in classroom (I have an awesome FREE “I’m Lost” bin label bucket you can download on my 20 Classroom Management Strategies You Can Start Right Away post that also explains quickly how I use it – it helps so much to keep things organized instead of piled on your desk or in your pockets)
- How to push down marker lids until they click
- How to push down glue stick lid until it’s tight
- How to get more glue out of a glue stick (show the height to stop turning it)
- How to use liquid glue (This awesome list of Classroom Management books has a cute book that is PERFECT to read to them about how to use glue)
- How a table/desk should look when it is clean
- How to get textbooks, notebooks, and other supplies when needed (Who gets them – each person or a table leader? Where do they get them? How do they put them back neatly?)

Behavior Management
- How your behavior system works (I LOVE clip charts when they’re used in a positive, fun way and I explain ALL about how I keep it engaging, fun, and exciting if you scroll down to #17 in my 20 Classroom Management Strategies post and also show the exact charts I use and how I switch them out to keep it effective and fun all year)
- How to line up
- How to walk in line (Blog post with a ton of tips coming soon!)
- How to ask to get a drink
- How to ask to go to the bathroom
- How to ask to go to the nurse
- What you should ask to go to the nurse for vs. what they can handle themselves in the classroom (in that same 20 Classroom Management strategies post above, definitely also download the free “Ouchie Lotion” label I put on there to save soo many trips to the nurse)
- How to raise hand to ask a question / talk
- Rules for tattling (I have a huge helpful blog post about How to Tackle Tattling if you’re struggling with this!)
- How to sit (crossed legs, hands in lap, mouths closed, etc.)
- Voice level during each activity (I am obsessed with my Voice Level Chart – I show it and talk all about how to use it in my Chatty Class Classroom Management Strategies post – definitely check that out as I share a ton of tips!)
- How to sit at their desks/on the carpet/at small group table when you’re teaching
- Classroom jobs and how they work (Here’s a giant list of Classroom Jobs with cute names to help you figure yours out)
- How to respectfully walk from seat to carpet
- How to respectfully walk from the carpet to their seats
- What to do when someone (child or adult) enters the room (NOTHING. Mind your business :))
- When a student is allowed to approach your desk or small groups table without being called (if they are ever allowed to)

- How and where to turn in work done in class
- How to check their work before they turn it in 
- What to do when they’re done with work (might be different for each time of day)
- What to do with work they don’t finish in class
- What to do when they finish work early (definitely check out my How to Keep Gifted Kids Engaged and Learning post for tips on how to handle students who always finish their work early)
- How to always put their name on their paper and any other info you have them do (first and last name, student number, etc.)
- What to do during a fire drill (I have a super cute No Prep Writing Craft I love to do for this lesson in my October Writing Crafts post called “How to do a Fire Drill” – it’s a perfect way to introduce or practice how to writing while also going over an important classroom procedure)
- How to clean up during transitions
- What to do if you were absent (Blog post about this coming soon!)
- What happens if they don’t finish their work in class
- What happens if they don’t turn in their homework

- How to open textbook to page (I have an amazing trick for this!! Go to my Phonics Fluency Notebooks post and scroll until you see the ribbon trick – it saves soo much time opening thick books to the correct page)
- How to always have your finger following along
- How to sit respectfully during reading groups

- How to ask for editing or help
- How to edit their work on their own first
- How to use the word wall (or personal dictionary if you use them) to correctly spell words
- Where to put writing that is in progress (or any work that is in progress for that matter)
- What to do when done with writing (I highly recommend my No Prep Writing Crafts for a fun writing activity they can do when done with their main writing OR as their main writing. That post explains how they’re made and used but I’ve also written posts for Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Oct, Nov, and Dec that show the different fun writing crafts for the month. You can get to them all by going to my big Miss Giraffe Blog Posts List to find each post full of pictures and ideas)
- Voice level again (it’s important to establish the voice level you expect during each part of the day since it changes. Writing time is typically Quiet Turtles whereas centers would be Inside Iguanas, in-classroom breaks would be Chatty Chickens, etc.)
- How to respectfully listen to someone else share their writing

Classroom Library
- How to put books back & where they go
- How to select a book
- When they are allowed to get a book & if they have to keep the book they select or if they are allowed to switch it out (and, if so, how many times)
- How many people are allowed in the library at a time
- How to treat books
- How to walk with a book (ex: hug it until you get to seat)
- How many books they are allowed to have at their seat at a time

Outside of Classroom
- How to behave in the lunch room
- How to behave in specials
- Hallway behavior (no running, talking, peeking in other classrooms, touching bulletin boards, etc.)
- Bathroom etiquette (what to do/not to do in bathroom, count to 30 (or whatever) while washing hands)
- Recess rules
- How to line up quietly while they wait for you to pick them up from recess or specials

- How to log in to computer and/or devices
- How to handle devices (how to walk with them, get them, put them away, how to use them)
- How to get to websites, apps, etc. you want them to use & how to log in if needed
- When they are allowed to access technology

- How to read daily schedule (this is a great one to teach so they don’t ask you every day when lunch is & also helps them practice Telling Time)

End of the School Day
- How to pack up to go home
- How to line up to go home
- How to exit the classroom and walk out of the school respectfully
- Where to go after school (bus riders, parent pick up, etc.)

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