

10 Ways to celebrate Childrens' Day

1. Attend a free Children’s Day event

 Children’s Day doesn’t need to be expensive - there are lots of events happening throughout the country.  To see what events are on near you check out the Children’s Day website www.childrensday.org.nz.

2. Have a dress up in the Children’s Day theme

 Get dressed up in silly clothes, have a treasure hunt and make sure you take some fun silly photos to hang in the children’s bedrooms.

3. Have a surprise picnic

 Plan a picnic at the local park or at the beach and pack your child’s favourite picnic food.
 Organise some fun activities and take a ball or frisbee to throw around together.

4. Have a Children’s Day disco

 Put on some fun dance music and teach your child some funky moves - and get them to teach you some new moves too!
 You could even decorate the disco room with fairy lights or homemade decorations.

5. Make a cake together

 Get your little one to decide on a  flavour and make some cupcakes or large cake to celebrate all the children of the world, teaching them about different cultures and countries.

  • If you are not a ‘baker’ make some fairy bread or decorate some pre-made cupcakes or biscuits.
 It is all about the process of having fun together, not the end product.

6. Have a pretend power cut

 Turn out the lights and decorate the house with candles.
You could play with torches and tell stories in the dark.
 You could even adventure around the house in the dark and pretend that you are exploring in a cave.

7. Have a water fight

 Head outside with water guns, balloons, cups and buckets of water! Your children will be squealing with laughter!

8. Go exploring in the garden

 Gather leaves and flowers from your garden and stick them to paper to create a colourful work of art.

9. Go on a camping trip in your back yard

 You can play make believe and pretend you are camping in the jungle and there are lots of animals living all around your tent.
 Or even make a hut inside to camp in overnight.

10. Share a fun activity from your childhood

 Relive the fun of your own childhood with your little one, explaining a bit about what you used to do, games you played, your favourite books and movies.
