

How to Remember Students’ Names


  1. Assign several short written assignments in the first week, and then practice names (”Well done, Sasha”) as you personally return papers.
  2. Take photos of students wearing name tags. Review the photos before class. Attach student photos to interest inventories so that you can relate faces with experiences and affinities.
  3. Identify a unique physical feature and then think of a funny sentence involving that feature and the student’s name: Tim has a tiny tooth.
  4. Create rhymes to aid your auditory and visual memory: Fred eats monkey bread.
  5. Prioritize talking to a different group of five students every day for the first few weeks of school. Use their names frequently during your conversation.
  6. Greet students by name as they enter the classroom. Ask for help from learners whose names you cannot recall.
  7. When a student tells you their name, say it back to them and confirm that your pronunciation is correct.
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