

   Vocabulary Workshop Activities and Games

BINGO Vocabulary Review Game: All you need is a pen and a notebook!
This is a quick, no-prep vocabulary review game. Use the PowerPoint to show the winning pattern for the round. 
Students can make the grid and write the vocabulary words on their notebook or you may use the BINGO card template.
Game Type: Individual

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Here are a few grammar games and activities that we can use to excite the students before, or during, grammar lessons. Some of them offer cool introductions of new concepts while others offer a teacher some methods to make practice more memorable.

1. The Verb Family Tree

Focus: Verb

This tree will teach the students different forms of verbs as children of the root verb.
You can do this activity on the whiteboard or you can opt for a worksheet version. Either way, you first have to start on the board so the students get the idea.
  • Draw a family tree with four branches
  • The root or trunk is the root word or the main verb
  • Name every branch a particular form. For example, the branch of the eldest brother could be the third-person singular form of the verb. Another branch is plural or past form, and so on.
  • Demonstrate with one word and call excited students to name siblings of verbs of your choice.
You may also let them play this game in pairs.



Level: Pre-intermediate (A2-B1)


Provide a comprehensive course with our ESL worksheets. Each of our evolving course plans and worksheet series can be followed systematically or you can select lessons to use as supplementary material.




Level: Pre-intermediate (A2-B1)
A rich vocabulary is the key to fluency. This supplementary course plan is designed to help learners develop their vocabulary beyond the lexical scope of traditional coursebooks. A full range of topic areas are covered and the worksheets provide plenty of opportunities for putting the new words and expressions into practice. Use the course plan as a supplementary resource or as a standalone course with students who want to focus primarily on improving their vocabulary as well as spoken English.

How to Remove Objects from Photos

How to Remove Objects from Photos Using the ReTouch App

 I highly recommend an app that I learned about in Smartphone Marketing School called Touch ReTouch

The ReTouch app is available in the iOS and Google Play stores 

How It Works

Below is a picture of students working at their desks. Let's say I wanted to post it to my class blog/website but I didn't want the student name tag displayed in the picture due to privacy reasons. This is where the ReTouch app works like a charm without me having to cross out the name or layer an emoji using the editing tools within the camera app. Sometimes that can make an image look messy.



#English 4 you -

Feliz quem tem a quem amar, um trabalho p/ se manter e algo (ou muito!) a agradecer.

Obrigada Senhor.

62 School #Project #Ideas

Project Ideas

  1. Advertisements: create an advertising campaign to sell a product.  The product can be real or imaginary.  Try using this to teach persuasion, as an assignment for speech class, or to reinforce skills learned in a consumer class.
  2. Album Covers: create artwork for an album.  The album may be connected to a skill (such a multiplication) and should demonstrate or explain how that skill is used.  Or the album cover may be connected to a novel and the art work might present a relevant theme in the story.  Another use would be to have students create natural disaster album covers in a science class where the cover would depict and explain the event.
  3. Autobiographies: write the story of your life.  This assignment may help you teach autobiography or reinforce a broad range of  writing skills.
  4. Awards: create awards to present to historical figures, scientists, mathematicians, authors, or characters from a novel.
  5. Banners: create an informational banner.  Students could create time lines of the American civil war or the Spanish alphabet.

#Bayeux - #PB

A colonização do município de Bayeux, localidade outrora denominada Barreiros, está muito ligada às histórias de João Pessoa e Santa Rita. Em 1585 foi fundada a cidade de Filipeia de Nossa Senhora das Neves e anos mais tarde foi iniciado o povoado de Santa Rita. Bayeux, no meio das duas localidades sofreu influência dessas colonizações.
A povoação, então distante quatro quilômetros de Filipeia, começou com o nome de Rua do Baralho. Depois, Boa Vista e, em 1634, Barreiros — nome em decorrência do engenho de Barreiros. Sobre tal engenho, há uma citação no livro Diálogos das grandezas do Brasil', de 1610, do escritor Ambrósio Fernandes Brandão:

O Decreto-Lei estadual nº 546, de 21 junho de 1944, sugestão do então jornalista Assis Chateaubriand ao interventor do estado na época, Rui Carneiro, modificou finalmente o nome para Bayeux em homenagem à primeira cidade francesa (de mesmo nome) a ser libertada do poder nazista pelos aliados durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.[12] Já a elevação à categoria de distrito ocorreu através da lei municipal nº. 48, de 10 de dezembro de 1948. Bayeux pertenceu ao município de Santa Rita até então, quando finalmente adquiriu o status de município pela Lei no. 2.148, de 28 de junho de 1959. A instalação oficial do município se deu no dia 15 de dezembro de 1959.

O padroeiro do município é São Sebastião, cuja festa se realiza em 20 de Janeiro. O município ainda festeja o dia de São Pedro em 25 de julho, o dia de São Bento no mês de Julho e Nossa Senhora da Conceição em dezembro. Suas manifestações culturais são representadas por quadrilhas juninas, grupos teatrais, Festival do Caranguejo, Carreata do Fusca, Corrida de Canoas, comidas típicas e artesanatos.

Sua população, conforme estimativas do IBGE de 2018, era de 96 550 habitantes, distribuídos em 32 km² de área, dos quais sessenta por cento cobertos por manguezais e rios..

P.S... Imagens da Web