

Personal Plan of Work

A personal development plan will help you improve or maintain your current level of success and prepare for future opportunities. 
You can include both personal and career goals in a single plan, or create a separate plan for each of the key areas of your life.

Answer the following questions to reflect about your personal plan of work

1. What are your learning objectives to achieve based on your personal needs(weaknesses, interests, or future plans)?

2. What is your study time to achieve your learning objectives?

3. What is your learning style and how do you implement learning strategies to achieve your objectives?

4. What materials do you use to achieve your objectives?

Once you have answered these questions, be prepared to have an oral interview with your teacher.

Personal Plan of Work
Self- Assessment
The following self-assessment is designed to help you understand if you are developing autonomy so you can become a life-long learner.

I have clear learning objectives to achieve based on my personal needs(weaknesses, interests, or future plans).

I am able to schedule study time to achieve my learning objectives.

I know about my learning style and try to implement learning strategies to achieve my objectives.

I have used the recommended material to achieve my objectives.

I consider myself to be a highly independent learner. I am driven to learn, organized, and self-disciplined.
