

Why to Learn English?

1. Internet and Social Media. 
As our access to technology increases worldwide, there is an increase in a need to know English. Approximately, 55% of all written content on the internet is in English. That means that if you can read in English, you will have more access to information than your non-English speaking peers.

2. To Meet and Communicate with More People.

If you are able to speak English proficiently, you will people able to communicate with more people. Be it where you live, at work, online or wherever you go. Being able to speak multiple languages often gives you more opportunities in life and work than just speaking one language.

3. Travel
When travel to different countries, English is often the most common “bridge” language. Meaning that you could meet with people from five different countries at the same time and it is likely the only common language between all five people is English. English is able to connect people from many different countries and cultures more so than other languages.

4. For Current Job or to Get Better Work 
If you increase your English proficiency, you often will be able to get a new job, a better job or a promotion where you are working. Having English speaking clients is very attractive and often a necessity for millions of businesses worldwide. You may even get a higher salary or paid more hourly for speaking English fluently.

5. For School or University Studies
Many schools and universities around the world require that their students have a basic or even intermediate understanding of the English language. Many have required courses that are taught in English. 

6. Social Status 
In some countries, speaking English fluently is highly regarded and sought after. This means that there are not many people that do speak English well and when they do; they stand out.

7. Music
There is a lot of great music in English. Rather it is from the present day or something from 20 or 40 years ago, there are a lot of famous American and British singers. Music in English often becomes popular all around the world and often people look to English to understand what the song they are hearing so often means. Music often unites people from many cultures and many people enjoy learning songs from the present and past in English.

8. Movies and TV 
Many of the best movies are in English. Many of the most famous actors and actresses are English speaking. There are also thousands of movies that are produced in English each year. With the vast popularity of Hollywood movies and movie stars; it is no wonder that many people want to learn English so they can better understand movies and TV shows in English. 

9. Science, Medicine, Economics, Law, Engineering and Politics 
Often education, research and common industry vocabulary is in English for these important careers. If is often required that people who study or work in these industries do research and learn about new and cutting edge ideas within in their industry in English. Many of the top industry publications and research is in English.

 - See more at: http://level3unalmed.blogspot.com.br/p/why-to-earn-english.html