O primeiro passo para explicar o que é uma festa junina a um
estrangeiro em inglês é traçar um paralelo de nossa cultura e festas com as
Por exemplo, os americanos tem e sabe o que são os carnivals ou county fairs, em termos de
barraquinhas, esses eventos são os que mais se assemelham às nossas festas
ü Nossa festa junina tem square
dance (quadrilha
(junina) – a dança, não a formação criminosa, ok?).
ü Também temos tents (barracas).
As barracas mais famosas e comuns são as easy
fishing game (barraca da pescaria), big mouth toss game(barraca
da boca do palhaço), ring toss game (jogo
da argola) e o greasy pole (pau
de sebo) ainda muito comum em cidades do interior.
Isso sem falar das barracas do beijo, barracas da maçã do amor
entre muitas outras.
Agora vejamos outras palavras em inglês usadas em nossas festas
ü Barbecue – churrasco;
ü Candy apple – maçã do amor;
ü A
Toffee apple – maça do
ü Sweet corn cake – bolo de milho;
ü A
sky lantern – Balão
ü Flags/Bunting – bandeiras juninas;
ü Fireworks – Fogos de artifício;
ü A
bonfire – Fogueira
ü A straw hat – Chapéu de palha;
ü Checkered shirt – Camisa xadrez.
em inglês para praticar o vocabulário junino
The church fair, usually with a charity
bazaar, is called a quermesse.
The festivities also celebrate rural life and feature typical dress, food and
dance. They usually take place in a large open space outdoors called an arraial and people dress up as
farmers, or country folk (caipira)
with straw hats and
checked shirts or dresses.
São João celebrates marriage, so couples
dance a kind of square dance called
a quadrilha which features a mock wedding with the bride and groom. June is the
time of the corn harvest, so special dishes are prepared made with corn. Canjica is made from grated corn
and coconut, boiled with water, milk, sugar and cinnamon. Pamonha is a sweet concoction of
corn paste which is rolled and baked in fresh cornhusks. Pinhão, an edible pine seed is also
very popular.
A typical drink is the quentão. As the name suggests, this is
a hot alcoholic drink with ginger and usually cachaça – a kind of rum made from
sugar cane and commonly known as pinga. Bonfires and fireworkdisplays are also important features of these
colourful two-week celebrations.
Fonte: Tecla
Para encerrar a dica de hoje, deixo abaixo uma pequena atividade
para você completar com o vocabulário adequado. A palavra correta pode ser
encontrada tanto no texto em inglês acima, como nos vocabulários dados na dica
de inglês de hoje.
1º) Preencha as lacunas abaixo:
a) People usually wear ______________ at a June Festival.
b) People release ______________________ in the air on São João.
c) Some folks have the costume of jumping over the ________________ as a sign of good luck.
d) On June Festival, all the city, public buildings and stores are decorated with ___________________.
e) ______________ is more common on New Year Ever rather than on June Festivals.
b) People release ______________________ in the air on São João.
c) Some folks have the costume of jumping over the ________________ as a sign of good luck.
d) On June Festival, all the city, public buildings and stores are decorated with ___________________.
e) ______________ is more common on New Year Ever rather than on June Festivals.
2º) Responda as perguntas abaixo e expresse sua opinião
sobre as festas juninas em inglês:
a) What do you think about June Festival? Do you like it?
b) Have you ever taken part in a square dance? If so, what was it like? If not, would you like to?
c) Have you ever been to a traditional June Festival in the most north of Brazil? If so, share with your friends. If not, how different do you think it is?
b) Have you ever taken part in a square dance? If so, what was it like? If not, would you like to?
c) Have you ever been to a traditional June Festival in the most north of Brazil? If so, share with your friends. If not, how different do you think it is?